Bach Bibliography
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Series : [p]AMS
Year : 1986
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Albrecht, Theodore:   Footnote to a Footnote: A Pre-Revival, Catholic Biographical Sketch of J. S. Bach. [p]AMS_SouthCentral (Apr 1986) A paper read at the South Central Chapter meeting of the AMS on 10-12 April 1986 at the University of Tennessee, Martin.
2. Chafe, Eric T.:   Schweig, Taumelnde Vernunft: Faith Contra Reason in the Bach Cantatas. [p]AMS_NewEngland (Apr 1986) A paper read at the New England Chapter meeting of the AMS on 12 April 1986 at the University of Hartford.
3. Clark, Stephen L.:   C. P. E. Bach's Choral Fugues. [p]AMS_Midwest (Oct 1986) A paper read at the Midwest Chapter meeting of the AMS on 11-12 October 1986 at the Northwestern University.
4. Ladewig, James:   The Influence of Frescobaldi on a Fugue from Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier. [p]AMS_NewEngland (Feb 1986) A paper read at the New England Chapter meeting of the AMS on 22 February 1986 at Brandeis University.
5. Lee, Douglas A.:   Emanuel Bach and the Free Fantasia for Keyboard: Deutsche Staatsbibliothek Mus. Ms. Nichelmann 1 N. [p]AMS_Midwest (Oct 1986) A paper read at the Midwest Chapter meeting of the AMS on 11-12 October 1986 at the Northwestern University.
6. Sanders, Donald:   The Eclectic Bach: Stylistic Variety in the Introductory Movements to the Keyboard Suites. [p]AMS_Southern (Feb 1986) A paper read at the Southern Chapter meeting of the AMS on 7-8 February 1986 at the University of Alabama, Birmingham.
7. Shearon, Stephen:   A New Interpretation of Documents Concerning Johann Sebastian Bach's Leipzig Choirs. [p]AMS_Southeast (Apr 1986) A paper read at the Southeast Chapter meeting of the AMS on 4-5 April 1986 at Salem College.
8. Walker, Diane Parr; Walker, Paul:   Sources of German Polyphonic Vocal Music Between Schütz and Bach: A Report on Work in Progress. [p]AMS_Capital (Apr 1986) A paper read at the Capital Chapter meeting of the AMS on 12 April 1986 at Towson State University.
9. Williams, Isabelle:   Metric Complexity in Bach's Cantata No.182. [p]AMS_NewYorkState (Mar 1986) A paper read at the New York State--St. Lawrence Chapter meeting of the AMS on 15-16 March 1986 at McGill University.

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